It makes sense why Trump would try to appeal to black voters. Based on a poll released less than a month ago on "The Rachel Maddow Show," Trump had a zero percent approval rating among African Americans. According to the poll, 97 percent of black voters see him unfavorably,
while three percent remains undecided.In an attempt to improve the ratings within the black community, Trump did what he does best: make ridiculous, factually incorrect statements. Last, Trump claimed at a rally in North Carolina that black neighborhoods are "in the worst shape they've ever been in before. Ever. Ever. Ever." Fortunately, President Obama stepped in quickly reveal the idiocy behind this assessment. In an interview with ABC News on Friday, Obama said,
"I think even most 8-year-old will tell you that the whole slavery thing was not very good for black people. Jim Crow was not very good for black people. What we need to do is to use our history to drive us to make even greater progress in the future. "
Realizing he needs to make a last ditch effort to win over a broader demographic in the last weeks of his presidential campaign, we can expect to hear more inane proclamations come out of Trump "small mouth." Recently, he suggested that we extend Stop-and-Frisk policies that were proven to be unconstitutional and downright harmful in New York. But when the New Yorker reporter Ed Kilgore points out, could Trump be making these ridiculous appeal to black voters in an attempt to draw more suburban white voters to his side. Kilgore theorizes that Trump rhetoric is "almost certainly directed at white voters worried (or angry) about being labeled as racists."
Of course, this would not be surprising in view of what has been achieved the enthusiastic support of white nationalists and KKK members. All we can do, it seems, is to follow Obama's lead on this one and counteract Trump claims with facts. In fact, anyone who believes African Americans were better off in "separate-but-equal" age need a lesson in basic American history followed by a crash course in empathy
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