Uh oh! Malia Obama could be in trouble after a new photo surfaced that allegedly puts her at the center of another potential smoking scandal! Check out the reported, suspicious photo here!

Malia Obama, 18, has apparently found herself under the negative spotlight once again. The first daughter was allegedly caught in the presence of what looks like a large bong at a UPenn fraternity house Sept. 4, according to Radar Online.
The questionable photo that’s making its round on social media reportedly shows Malia with other unidentified individuals in a what the site claims is a Greek home on the college campus. In the photo, the 18-year-old is wearing the same “Smoking Kills” t-shirt that she was spotted in at the Made In America Festival in Philadelphia that same day. Alan Barry, who is a celebrity photographer and photoshop expert, told Radar that he does not believe the photo is fake after examining it closely
In the apparent scandalous photo Malia is pictured wearing a baseball hate with an “H” on it, a clear shoutout to her future stomping grounds. She is set to attend Harvard in 2017, after she finishes her gap year to take some time off before hitting the books.
The shirt raised eyebrows to begin with since Malia was reportedly caught on video, puffing on a suspicious cigarette at Lollapalooza, July 31, which was later thought to be pot. Her outspoken t-shirt at the MIA festival, was also thought to be a dig at the alleged smoking claims from July.
Malia has yet to officially speak about the alleged photo, as well as the first family or any parties involved. We will keep you updated!
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